Childhood and early life

It was at a party of the group Barão de Macaúbas where a young 24 years old doctor named Juscelino Kubitschek asked to be presented to the young Sarah, then 18 years old. They started dating right there, after a lively night of dancing. After the engagement, the young urologist decided to break off the relationship to travel to Europe, where he would follow a specialization course and re-evaluate his goals for the future. After a few painful months for D. Sarah, when the ship that brought Juscelino back home docked at the pier, there she was firm in her purpose to follow the man she had chosen. Who could resist such determination! They resumed dating and eventually married on December 30, 1931, at Our Lady of Peace Church.

One day when coming home after a day practicing, Juscelino the doctor told his wife he had received an invitation to enter politics. D. Sarah spent the whole night crying. When she woke, she dried her tears and encouraged her husband to accept the leadership of the cabinet of the Government of the State of Minas.
